I did a search and really didn't see the answer I was looking for so here it is.
I shoot a Pentax 645 Medium format. Right now I'm happy with my 75 f2.8 lens, however I'd like to expand my options. I was debating between the 150 f3.5 Telephoto and the 80-160 f4.5 Zoom lens. While eventually I'd like to get both, it's not realistic to get both right now.
I mainly shoot landscapes, urban architecture, and some portrait stuff. For that reason I'm kinda leaning towards the 150 Telephoto. I think it would probably serve the bulk of my needs and what it didn't would be served just fine by my 75 f2.8 lens.
Am I wrong in my thinking? Is the telephoto a bit too specific where I could save the money and just buy a nice zoom instead and let it serve multiple purposes?
Which route would you go and why?