just picked up a used nikon f70d slr camera,love the speed at which it handles,used my first roll yesterday dx coded 400 iso,on aperature prioty,with the aperature manually set at f4.3 and all my shots are handheld,now i brought my film in to get developed and transferred to cd so i can upload on the computer,is it true when the film gets processed and transferred to cd that you really lose out on pixel rates, i thought that a 35mm image on a digital cd and only having a 800kb rate level is quite small,considering my sensor in my nikon d50 produces image file sizes of 2-3 mb size files.here are two shots on on the cd as it looks on print,the second is tweaked abit from software,
should i be trying more manual settings on the camera ,and changing my dx code on the camera to manually change the iso to more lower iso's,the camera can manually go to 25-5000 setable iso,as long as the dx code portion is turned off, any recomendation to a novice here,from past kodak point and shoot era.