Well, I bought my 150mm Chrome F4 lens today for my Hasselblad. Between the Bronica, the Hasselblad, and the Epson V700, its time to let my wallet cool off now. I was able to sell my Minolta IV F so that helped a little. It allowed me to get a Pro Shade Bellows for the Hassy along with a quick release tripod plate.
The Hassy ELX 553 should be at my Tech, David Odess tomorrow sometime and I will have my answer as far as its condition in a few days.
I am pretty much on my own with the Bronica. It did come with a speed winder, 2.8 PE 75mm lens, 90 degree non metered viewfinder, and 220 back. I had to buy an eyecup, lens shade, 120 back, and I picked up a 150mm 3.5 lens for it. As soon as the 120 back gets here I will run a roll of B&W through it.
I have my developing tank and reels, but I have not bought my chemicals yet. I have to get some for B&W and some for Color.
So that pretty much says where I am currently at. Tomorrow I plan on spending some time with my Fred Picker book the VI workshop and my Sekonic 758 and a notepad. I have a lot to relearn.