Well here we are 2 months since my last posting here. Think it's about time I posted an update There is a light at the end of the tunnel now. I either have everything I need on hand now or it's en route, so I should be up and running the end of next week (at least according to Fedex tracking). So here's the final shopping list to get myself up and running:
Simmons Automega B-7 enlarger with 50mm, 75mm, and 90mm lenses; 4x4, 6x6, and 6x9 negative carriers; 4 blade masking attachment; 2 supplementary condensers; various lens cones and mounts - $100 on Ebay
35mm glass negative carrier - $11.49 on Ebay
Bellows attachment for B-7 to allow for manual focusing - $10.49 on Ebay
GraLab 300 timer - $28 on Ebay
Premier 11x14 adjustable easel - $9.99 on Ebay
Paterson MF contact proof printer - $21.03 on Ebay
Premier 11x14 print washer (non archival) - $26.99 from Freestyle Photo
Premier 5x7 OC safelight - $29.99 from Freestyle Photo
3 bamboo tongs - $3.99 from Freestyle Photo
print squeegee - $9.99 from Freestyle Photo
3-8x10 trays - $13.50 from Freestyle Photo
3-1 gallon storage jugs - $9.57 from Freestyle Photo
Total equipment cost (not including shipping): $275.03
3 bottles Ilford Muligrade Developer 500ml - $22.47 from Freestyle Photo
Kentmere Indicator Stop Bath 16oz - $5.39 from Freestyle Photo
2 bottles Ilford Rapid Fixer 1L (non hardening) - $19.18 from Freestyle Photo
Total chemical cost (not including shipping): $47.04
3 box lot of Ilford Ilfospeed 8x10 Glossy RC; ~75 sheets Grade 2, ~12 sheets Grade 3, ~90 sheets Grade 4 - $5.59 on Ebay
2 boxes Arista RC Plus 8x10 Glossy Grade 3 - $17.58 from Freestyle Photo
Total paper cost (not including shipping): $23.17
NOw this is just a basic set-up for now so that I can learn the fundamentals. Burning and dodging tools will be made from coathangers and cardboard. Eventually when I get a little better I hope to move into fiber prints at which time I will add a archival print washer and toning supplies. So how am I doing, did I miss anything?