So I finally got some paper to lith print with. I used an A+B lith developer that I eventually mixed at 1:1:6 after the first batch was unable to give me anything on lith film, which I wanted to shoot at the same time. Pull times were under a minute with the paper, which is a tad quick. The lith film developed nicely, and helped get the ball rolling on the paper prints. I used Kentmere Kentona glossy, Foma Fomatone MG, and Forte Polygrade V fiber papers. The Forte produced a cold toned print, with the Foma giving a warm tone and the Kentmere neutral. The scans show uneven tones caused by paper curl. I used a print dryer and it created ruffled edges on the first prints I dried with it. I had to re-wash the prints and am pressing them now. I think I had the dryer set too hot. I intend on doing some more tonight and will try it without the heat on. Anyway here are several prints