I'm sure Kodak 160VC is a fine film, just not for my particular Canonet. I find it interesting that my QL-17 either loves a film or hates it. No in-betweens. And with every new film I buy I put it through a series of different subjects and lighting conditions to try and see where it might fare best. But this film pretty much failed miserably in my Canonet. But again, I don't blame the film per se.
Below is perhaps the best photo came off the roll, and this is scanned from a print with no color corrections from PS, just a tad of sharpening. It was shot in an old graveyard on a hill in Chehalis, WA, with the fog just lifting in the morning. I think I had the aperture at 1.7 or 2.8, can't remember the shutter speed but it was probably @ 500.
I think Fuji NPS 160 is about the best negative film I've used on my Canonet so far, so I'm gonna stick with it (see my flickr for examples) along with Kodak Elite Chrome and Fuji Provia slide film.
Aaron, what have you found to be your favorite color films for your Canonet?