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  1. #1
    Film Forum Moderator Xia_Ke's Avatar
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    If at first you don't succeed...

    try again Well slowed down and took my time this round and low and behld I got some prints...LOL Nothing crazy, just some straight prints but at last they are not covered in dust spots and horribly overexposed/overcooked. This definitely has solidified my love of analog photography. I think I've created a monster. After I got done my session tonight I told Carla that we need to find a new apartment where I can set up a permanent darkroom...LOL

    PS- don't mind the different frame sizes, I was playing aroun a bit with crops on the easel

    first prints 2

    first prints 3

    first prints 1
    Aaron Lehoux * flickr
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  2. #2
    light wait photophorous's Avatar
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    Re: If at first you don't succeed...

    Lookin' good, Aaron. That first print looks like a challenging one, because of the contrast, but you did well. Keep at it!


  3. #3
    Film Forum Moderator Xia_Ke's Avatar
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    Re: If at first you don't succeed...

    Thanks PAul Yeah, that first one is a tough one. There are lots of shadows and other details in the snow that did not come through in a straight print. I'm making up some dodge and burn tools right now for next round though and that will be one of the first prints I really try to play with.
    Aaron Lehoux * flickr
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  4. #4
    Senior Shooter Greg McCary's Avatar
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    Re: If at first you don't succeed...

    Nice work Aaron, they look better than what you been posting in the past already I can only imagine how good they look in person. Keep it up.
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  5. #5
    Film Forum Moderator Xia_Ke's Avatar
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    Re: If at first you don't succeed...

    Thanks Greg I met my match tonight Was trying to print to print this shot:

    Untitled Landscape

    and good lord I tried about 15 prints and couldn't come close Tons of dodging burning needed for this one. I'll have to try again on Tuesday :cryin:
    Aaron Lehoux * flickr
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  6. #6
    Canon 1DmkII Shooter rylan's Avatar
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    Re: If at first you don't succeed...

    Look great to me Aaron! very nice work keep it up man
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  7. #7
    Film Forum Moderator Xia_Ke's Avatar
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    Re: If at first you don't succeed...

    Thanks Rylan I just wish I could get that shot in my last post to print out well The version I posted is the negative scan and printing it is a whole other ball game :cryin:
    Aaron Lehoux * flickr
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  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Re: If at first you don't succeed...

    Those first three shots look great. The important thing is to get a good series of procedures in place before you start printing, and it looks like thats what you did. Dodging and burning are difficult skill sets to master right from the start. You might want to try filters first. You will waste a lot less paper.
    "I don't like lizards", Frank Reynolds.

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  9. #9
    Film Forum Moderator Xia_Ke's Avatar
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    Re: If at first you don't succeed...

    Thanks reverberation Unfortunately, I do not have any filters yet and all my paper is graded anyway. I did try some grade 3 for the second print but, liked the grade 2 better at this point. So much to learn "school" will be in session again tonight though. Should be able to lock myself away for 3 or 4 hours to play
    Aaron Lehoux * flickr
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  10. #10
    drg is offline
    la recherche de trolls drg's Avatar
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    Re: If at first you don't succeed...

    You can always use inexpensive sheets of colored transparency acetate for filtering to start with. Usually available in packs of yellow, red, green, blue plus clear and sometimes an orange or another shade of yellow.

    Do try picking one good negative and printing it with differing exposures or papers to see the different results you can achieve.

    I too, always like to see someone really get into the process for the first time!

    Best of luck
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  11. #11
    Film Forum Moderator Xia_Ke's Avatar
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    Re: If at first you don't succeed...

    I still need to pick up an under lens filter holder before I can go VC. They're like $40 or $50 online for my enlarger I'm trying to stick with that one scene that I posted the negative scan of above. I spent a while on it Saturday night another hour and a half tonight. I finally had to make a swap as I was getting too frustrated. I think that will be one I'll I have to work my way up to. I picked an easier negative to play with and did okay with that one. I have a couple prints hanging right now. I'll scan and post later when they're dry.
    Aaron Lehoux * flickr
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  12. #12
    Film Forum Moderator Xia_Ke's Avatar
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    Re: If at first you don't succeed...

    Alright, here's tonight's prints. After getting completely frustrated with the landscape shot, I picked something a little easier and am pretty happy with how "Final Entrance" came out.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails If at first you don't succeed...-03042008-1.jpg   If at first you don't succeed...-03042008-2.jpg  
    Aaron Lehoux * flickr
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  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Denver, Colorado, America

    Re: If at first you don't succeed...

    Oh, I forgot you only had graded paper. I am guessing you tried several shorter exposures at different stops to facilitate the dodging and burning of the landscape print? I really agree with DRG on the paper thing. Match the negative to the style of paper and development. I think that is what has happened with the Final Entrance print. I think you would be better served by printing that landscape negative onto a multi-contrast paper with filters. Thats a pretty difficult negative to print on the paper you have right off the bat. My rule of thumb is that if I get two bad prints in a row, I move to a different negative. I will always keep the test strip matched to the print.
    "I don't like lizards", Frank Reynolds.

    "At one time there existed a race of people whose knowledge consisted entirely of gossip", George Carlin.

  14. #14
    Film Forum Moderator Xia_Ke's Avatar
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    Re: If at first you don't succeed...

    Yeah, I did a couple test test strips with Final Entrance. Did one for the door and one for the pillars. I ended up doing a print of it on grades 2, 3, and 4. In the end, 3 seemed to work best with this, with grade 4 being a close second. I might even opt for grade 4 in the end with this shot but, it would need a hair more work to it.
    Aaron Lehoux * flickr
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