I have a question regarding film processing.
During the last Solar Maximum from about 2000 to 2004 I took up Aurora photography as a hobby when I realized you could see the Aurora anywhere in the USA during the most active part of the 11 year solar cycle.
I used my Petri Racer 45mm f/1.8 with a Aux wide-angle lens that I have had for about 42 years, I tried many films but used Kodak MAX 400 the most. I have mostly pictures from the last cycle but I did scan a few of my shots with the film scanner attachment, you can see in one of the pictures I did not clean the scanner very wellit was taken on Nov. 21,03, the other picture was taken over my neighbors farm on a different night. I used a tripod, cable release and the f/1.8 stop for about 30 seconds. Any advice on film selection or technique would be appreciated.
I found a processing kit "Hewes Products Calumet Student 35mm Film Processing Kit $66.99" on line and would like to know if something like this would work to process my film so I can scan the film into my computer and print my pictures?
Walmart, Sam's and many other places have quit selling film and plan to stop processing too. Most of the other Aurora photographers have switched to Digital for their shots and I'm going to do that too but I would still like to use my film camera. During the last cycle I took my film to a local photo lab but they would take several day's to process the film and print the pictures and sometimes a CD but by the time I posted my pictures to the group it was old news and if I sent my pictures to Spaceweather they would be on the last page in the gallery. Can I process the film myself with a kit like the one above or could someone recommend a kit that would be better?