...with my Patterson tank and reel. I switched from the stainless system as I had major problems loading film onto the reels. Now, I don't have any problems loading film onto the reel, but all of my negatives are coming out really thick and undeveloped. I can't even scan them.
I know they are undeveloped as the film is really dark along the sprocket holes, so I think there is something I'm doing wrong. I haven't changed my film at all, and I even used the a new batch of developer.
I used the same agitation for the Patterson tank as I did for the Stainless tanks. Constant but gentle agitation for the first thirty seconds, inversion, and then three inversions in a ten second period, every minute. Does that make sense?
I feel like I need to step-up my agitation, but I don't want to waste roll after roll of film. Does anyone else use Patterson tanks and what agitation method, how long for?