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  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Mar 2007

    Durst 6x7 Enlarger

    Hi I'm hoping someone can help me make my mind up about this.

    Someones offered me a Durst 6x7 Enlarger for about £50. While I'm primarily a 35mm B+W photographer I've heard people say that you can use a medium format enlarger to produce prints so long as you have the right lense (which this one apparently does), and I could really do with an enlarger as I've just got hold of some space thats begging to be turned into a darkroom.

    I've also heard talk that the bulbs used in Durst enlargers aren't made anymore, does anyone know if thats the case?

    I should say I don't know masses about darkroom equiptment, as it wasn't an issue to know more than how to use it at school and since then I've been getting my prints through other sources. I've never had to buy anything as large as an enlarger for photography, so I really could do with some help on making a decent choice.

    Also if anyone can suggest any good tips for checking out an enlarger you're tempted to buy.


  2. #2
    has-been... another view's Avatar
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    Re: Durst 6x7 Enlarger

    I bought an enlarger a few years ago but never got around to building a darkroom, so I got rid of it. I had a Bessler 23C which is also a 6x7 enlarger, and looked to be very popular so replacement parts and accessories would probably be available for a long time (used, most likely).

    I'm not sure about the bulb but that's definitely something to check out. There are specialty "lamp" (what us lighting geeks call light bulbs) distributors around which you'll probably find on the internet. You might start with Googling "projection lamps" and the part number. A lot of times it's a three letter code like EXN (this isn't it, just an example).

    From what I remember, usually you'll want to use the focal length of lens that's considered normal for that format (like 50mm for 35mm film, 80mm for 6x6, etc). You'll need the lens and also the proper negative carrier to hold the film.

    Good enlargers are so inexpensive these days that the biggest concern is probably the shipping cost, hassle of moving it and setting up that's what you will want to consider. I haven't kept up with the market for enlargers, but with prices at what they are there's no reason not to go top of the line.

  3. #3
    Moderator of Critiques/Hearder of Cats mtbbrian's Avatar
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    Re: Durst 6x7 Enlarger

    I hate to turn someone away from this community , but there is an analog photographers forum that I know you'll find all of your answers about this particular enlarger and any other questions about doing it the "old fashion way" as I call it, which is the better way to do it afterall!

    Check out,
    Just make sure you check this place out throughly!
    Good Luck!
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  4. #4
    Junior Member
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    Jan 2015

    Re: Durst 6x7 Enlarger

    Does anyone know if thats the case?????????????
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  5. #5
    Member PWhite214's Avatar
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    Re: Durst 6x7 Enlarger

    There are several Durst enlargers that will do a 6x7. Get the model number, then use that to search for the correct bulb. I have a Durst M670 color enlarger, which takes a Philips EFP A1/231. I should order a spare, maybe two. They are rated for 50 hours.

    You need to check that the power supply, if required, is functional, that you get the correct negative carriers and hopefully lenses. Some enlargers had an adjustable (universal) negative carrier. Lenses, 50mm for 35mm film, and a 75-80mm for medium format.

    An excellent reference for setting up and using a darkroom is Steven Anchell's THE DARKROOM COOKBOOK. There is also lots of information on the 'net.

    I posted a photo of my setup in this thread,Darkroom
    I hope you can find everything you need.

    Last edited by PWhite214; 01-04-2015 at 02:14 PM.
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