I just bought a camera for my "old camera" collection. On the camera it says "No. 2-C Folding Autographic Brownie". Im trying to do research and find more information on it but my problem is, I would like to see if it works and the back says "Use Autographic Film No. A-150" and I cant find anywhere that I could find this film online. The date says Jan. 7, 1913. Is it too old to find film for? Is there anywhere I could find an appraisal just to see if I got a good deal on this? I paid $5 for it at a yard sale so Im guessing its worth more just because it is an antique and its in amazingly good condition for its age. It came with a case that is also in good condition but its missing the leather strap and the lid but its still there!! Any information on this would be GREATLY appreciated. Th:thumbsup: anks!!!