Hey all, I know this question has been asked a lot but not quite in this manner so here goes. I am finally thinking about owning my own Medium Format (instead of renting or drooling over them in stores or online) I really like the Mamiya line because of the value/price you can get used ones for however I have these questions:
RB67 vs RZ67, what are the real differences besides the RZ is newer and more expensive
Do all the 645's support instant film backs? Or is it only the 645AF
Here is what I am looking for in a purchase:
Medium Format Film for Art Photography Primarily, Professional Portrait Secondary (When I feel I can maximize my skills enough to feel comfortable to charge for expensive film again and not digital)
Polaroid or Fuji equivalent instant film capability a must
A camera that will grow quickly with me (I don't have extensive medium format experience but I do have some and I am also very experienced with 35mm/Digital and Post Digital Production as well as do all this professionally)
Something that will keep the budget tight but the results as best they can be in this format particularly in the flexibility department.
Thanks in advance! :thumbsup: