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  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Fort Worth, TX

    Advice from anyone that uses Velvia 100F

    If you've ever used it, what ISO are you using?

    I shot one roll and set the ISO at 100. Actually, I was more impressed than I thought I would be. While I want to find some Velvia 50, it just hasn't happened yet so I decided to play with a few rolls of the 100F.

    I'll probably order some Velvia 50 next week, but for now I'm seeing how that 100F treats me.

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  2. #2
    light wait photophorous's Avatar
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    Austin, Texas

    Re: Advice from anyone that uses Velvia 100F

    I've shot quite a few rolls of 100F, always at box speed. Like other slide films if you over expose the colors will begin to wash out, so if you can't get it perfect, it's actually better to underexpose slightly. I've only used it for landscapes, so when I come across a good scene, I bracket to make sure I get it right, and I use a split neutral density filter if the sky needs taming.

    I find 100F to have a cool, kind of purplish, color to it. I like it for certain things, but not for warm scenes. Velvia 50 is definitely warmer and it seems more accurate over all, but it's still vivid and saturated. Both are very good films.


  3. #3
    Analog Photographer, Digital World Axle's Avatar
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    Re: Advice from anyone that uses Velvia 100F

    I've had some good luck with Velvia 100F, good film. Now I don't use it for what many would call 'normal' environments...

    Outdoor - performed excellent, this is actually my favourite exterior shot of the Hearn.

    Indoor - slightly over exposed due to the nature of the area (light coming in from the behind me and from the end of the generator bay.

    Indoor - from underneath what used to be the floor of the generator room.

    Final thoughts, shoot to the meter as much as possible. If you plan on over/under exposing, don't go overboard. 1/2-1 stops over/under should do it. It's a glorious film to shoot with.
    Alex Luyckx | Photography
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  4. #4
    Viewfinder and Off-Topic Co-Mod walterick's Avatar
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    Re: Advice from anyone that uses Velvia 100F

    I shot one roll, hated it, and went back to Velvia 50

    It didn't have the POP! and saturation of the 50 that I was looking for. The 100 Pro is a great film for me, I can't see buying another roll of the F though.

    Rumor has it that if there was one film to go from the Fuji lineup, it would be the 100F due to slow sales.
    Walter Rick Long
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