So yesterday I decided to drive to the mountains and shoot with a Bushnell 90-230 (f 4.5) zoom lense for my OM-1 I found at a thrift store. I wound five rolls of plus-x and threw a couple rolls of color film in my bag as well. I then decided to take my ae-1 and several primes I have for it on the low end (24, 35, 50, and 100 mm). I also grabbed my Nikon fg because, well I don't know why, I know I filled my two small sized camera bags and did not have room for the OM-1. I have been putting off getting one large bag, because I can't find one that will fit three bodies and multiple lenses. I balanced everything and managed to take it to the car in one trip. I put the OM-1 on top of the car and put the bags in the car. One bag fell over and all my cokin filters fell out. I cleaned the filters and put them back in their cases. I started the car and drove off. About 1/2 mile down the road at a red light my mint condition OM-1 rolled off the back of my car and hit the pavement.:cryin: :blush2: :cryin:
The cokin adapter ring and plastic filter holder took the brunt of the impact. The film rewind knob was completely destroyed. There was traffic behind me so I just grabbed the camera and filter holder and retreated to my car. I decided to stick to my plan and drive to the mountains to shoot the roll of film that was already in the OM-1 and use the primes with the ae-1.
I get to the mountains and find the battery in the ae-1 is dead. At this point I am talking to myself out loud, "its ok no problem, make the best of it, take the OM-1 with the Bushnell and the FG. I can only find three rolls of plus-x. The other two rolls have fallen in between my seat and the center console. I grab the Gitzo no. 3 tripod I got a great deal on and start hiking up 1000 vertical feet. Less than an hour later I know why the previous owner let the Gitzo no. 3 go. My mind is thinking B&W and I am very picky about what I shoot with the OM-1, knowing that I cannot open the back much less rewind the roll that is in there.
I shoot the film I have and go home.
Today I find a camera repair shop that specializes in OM repair and manage to rewind the film and get the back open. It will cost me over 130 bucks. Instead of the roll of plus-x I had convinced myself was in the OM-1, I find a roll of Fuji Reala. This last fact nearly pushes me over the edge....I just had to laugh, in a strange way it was the perfect ending.