Last year I only made probably half as many film photographs as I planned, and that was still a rather small number. With the various research several of us did into processing costs and types of film, I don't want to waste all that work!
This year I've started the $100 film project. Some rudimentary calculations indicate that if I make about 1 exposure a day in 35mm format, the film costs and developing (including machine prints if I get inspired) will run about $100 for C-41 film. Some of the B/W film I'll use will be slightly less, and slides will be slight more so it should about even out.
The subjects will vary, and the only thing I'm really trying to do at the moment is get a routine of taking that one or two film images a day. I do have a project that I'll write up details in my blog later called - What the Dog Saw. I always carry a camera when I'm out with the dog walking, and though there may not be daily entries, it will contribute to the total of a daily picture.
Really this may turn into two or three parallel daily projects, as one theme has emerged already. I've been averaging about three film exposures a day just for this so far in 2009.
I thought about using my Fuji 645 but it hasn't been working right and I've got it in the hands of my most trusted camera guy and he's baffled so far. MF with a HOLGA was another thought but for some things I didn't want a Holga type image. That and if I'm traveling 35mm is easier to deal with for several minor technical reasons.
Updates to follow sporadically!
Anybody else with specific Film shooting plans for 2009??