I'll be shooting an interview which will be part of a wedding montage in the Fall. I'm starting off interviewing the bride and groom separately.
Camera A on tripod for a medium shot mid torso and up.
Camera B handheld on monopod (for weight) for tight face shot. I want the casual shaking handheld look as a b-roll.
Background will be olive green curtains clipped to my background stand
Using my cheap SV tungsten light set.
- background light on curtains
- 250watt for flood
- 250watt for key light diffussed with SV white plastic attachment
- Camera WB on tungsten or custom WB using white card if better results
i'll be putting my shotgun mic on a small tripod to get really close to subject
- can it be knee level pointing up??? so it is out of the frame?
- should i use the omnidirectional mic instead????
- XLR into Camera A
Shooting in HDV at 60i. I'm considering using Tv at 1/60 to decrease video like appearance but I know the true film look takes more effort work
Although shooting in HDV, I'll be downconverting to SD when I capture for post work for Vegas. I found this plugin from VASST to manage multicam post work for Vegas. It's really cool and easy to use!
Have any tips or warnings for me??
Thanks in advance!