Hello everyone,
I'm a professional photographer in trainingI'm starting a small photography business. I'm trying to find the best SLR for me. When most people post questions about what SLR to get, there are generic answers like "it depends on what you're planning to use it for." My main focus will be people for portraits, head-shots, modeling shots, etc...w/ great backgrounds. I want the closest I can get to that professional magazine cover look. You don't have to mention that it depends on the photographer... I'm a believer of that too! I'm getting the training, now I want the camera that's able to deliver the results...I'm very confused on which camera to get. here are some questions that I have that I feel will help me make a better purchasing decision as well as be helpful to the next person with the same questions.
1. I've been looking for cameras with the highest megapixels. Is that what I should be doing? Some people say that megapixels really don't matter and that it's all about the lens.
2. If I could get any camera right now.... I would want to get the Cannon EOS 5d Mark II. However that falls considerably out of my $2,000 range that I'm starting with. Especially when that includes the amount that I have to spend on the lens, etc... too. The quality of the 21.1 mp camera and video portion too... is EXCELLENT but I can't afford that quite yet. So choosing between Nikon and Cannon which I heard are the best. So now I'm looking at the CANNON 50D (15.1 mp) and the NIKON D90 (12.3 mp) what do you think I should get for what I'm trying to do? When I do prints, they'll be 8X10...12X18Even though the cannon has more megapixels, some people say that the D90 is still delivers the best quality and to just invest in the different lenses... What do you think?
3. Also what would be the best software for retouching photos?
4. What would you say the best lens to use for what I'm doing? What about special events like weddings and parties... I'll be doing those too.
Thanks for the help in advance :thumbsup: