Sorry If I posted this in the wrong forums.

But yeah, I was talking to my mom, and brought up the fact that I really wanted a DLSR, She said it was a possibility, If I could find an inexpensive one. But first, I'd like to tell you all that I really really dont like PAS cameras. There so annoying. My main Camera is a Nikon D70 (My dad's) And I really want my own camera. My parents know I really wanna stick with photography, As I've already decided I'm gonna go to college for Photography.

But lets get to the point, I need a good, Cheap DSLR. Preferably with a Lens, But my dad 3 lenses, one of which he never uses. And of course, All the lenses are for the Nikon D70.

Again, I want a nice, Inexpensive,DSLR with atleast 4MP. I'd love to find one for 300, But thats not very likely, I dont care if its used, As long as its not an ebay Auction (BIN's are fine) I'm good.

Oh, forgot to mention, My birthday is coming up soon, Thats the reason.