We are smack in the middle of a new age of photography. I'm so glad to be living in this era of merging technology. One day, if not already, Photographers will feel very inadequate if their cameras have no Movie function. This is it. This is the start of a new revolution for DSLR's and even Medium Format imaging: The era of video creeping into photography.
It started with camcorders offering some photography function. Still cameras answered back with their own video offering on top of their still images. It's like the digital age coming again. There was a time a lot of debate raged with film versus digital. All quiet on the western front these days. Video versus still images? No contest, both are one and the same! (every frame of a movie is a still image!).
My personal experience- I can't pick up a camera to go outing if it doesn't have a Movie function. The Canon 5D and Nikon D90 have become so essential with their Movie modes, it has become addictive.
I'm a Canon and Nikon junkie.