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Majik_Imaje It is not the camera !! 10-25-2009, 05:35 PM
Frog Re: It is not the camera !! 10-25-2009, 11:55 PM
Majik_Imaje Re: It is not the camera !! 10-26-2009, 01:43 AM
XpaulaX Re: It is not the camera !! 10-29-2009, 10:40 PM
CaptainPenguin Re: It is not the camera !! 10-31-2009, 09:45 AM
GlenHumphries Re: It is not the camera !! 10-31-2009, 11:05 PM
Majik_Imaje Re: It is not the camera !! 11-01-2009, 02:34 AM
Trypod Re: It is not the camera !! 11-22-2009, 01:16 AM
Loupey Re: It is not the camera !! 11-25-2009, 07:55 PM
  1. #1
    Arctic Man Majik_Imaje's Avatar
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    Currently living @ the Top of the World in Barrow Alaska

    It is not the camera !!

    The brand name of the camera, the model of the camera has NOTHING at all to do with becoming successfull in photography !!

    It is not - ' which camera you use' ! IT IS HOW YOU USE THE CAMERA.

    Let me put this into proper perspective. EVERYONE has a pencil at home! Everyone knows how to use that pencil - right ?? WRONG !!!

    SOME PEOPLE can doodle with a pencil. some people can create a saleable work of ART using the same pencil .

    Very few people can pick up any pencil and draw and exact likeness of a person or scenery.

    The same is true in photography. It is all about YOUR SKILL with ANY CAMERA !!

    To prove a point : this image (extremely saleable-magazine cover) was created using a camera that was less than $200 and the same size as a credit card which will fit into your pocket.

    The temperature was minus 20 degrees BELOW zero. the manufacturer states that this camera will FUNCTION between 32 degrees above zero - 140!

    We sure proved that wrong !!

    PIck any camera - you can afford - Now learn how to use IT. - TO ITS FULL POTENTIAL.

    THEN, when you have a NEED for something 'different'. Then it is time to go out and purchase it.

    A truely skilled photographer, can create masterpieces with virtually ANY CAMERA !!!

    Hey I just got a job !! I need a car to go to work and back which car should I buy ????

    ANS: It doesn't matter - they will all accomplish the same TASK !!

    Learn how to use a camera FIRST. When you can CONSISTENTLY create stunning photographs- then your ready to move up to the next level !!

    I know people that use top of the line Nikons and they can't create a saleable photo to save their life.

    Again.. .. for the last time.. it is not the camera you USE. It is your skill in using any camera !!!

  2. #2
    project forum co-moderator Frog's Avatar
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    wa state

    Re: It is not the camera !!

    Been wondering when you might come back, Majik.
    Its been pretty much agreed that the tools,(camera), are only as good as the skill with which it is used around here for quite some time.
    Perhaps it would help to read some of the posts on that subject.
    Your shots of our remote citizens are stunning as usual.
    Keep Shooting!


    Please refrain from editing my photos without asking.

  3. #3
    Arctic Man Majik_Imaje's Avatar
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    Currently living @ the Top of the World in Barrow Alaska

    Re: It is not the camera !!

    Well thanks for the kind words. and I must admit when I saw some of the threads asking the same ol questions. I just took it for granted that some members were not aware.

    Perhaps your right. I should have taken the time to read more threads before posting an answer.

  4. #4
    Junior Member
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    Oct 2009

    Re: It is not the camera !!

    Yeah, but after you have enough skills, photo quality will mostly depends on the camera.
    Last edited by XpaulaX; 10-30-2009 at 06:30 PM.

  5. #5
    Junior Member CaptainPenguin's Avatar
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    Wordsley,West Midlands,England

    Re: It is not the camera !!

    You are so spot on thats been said for years but it seems today that people have to have the very latest camera even if they have no idea how to get the best from the kit they already have.I have been amazed at the number of 50D owners saying they must have the 7D having hardly got the 50out of the box,more money than sense

  6. #6
    Junior Member
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    Northern Territory, Australia

    Re: It is not the camera !!

    Good topic, it is frustrating to see a sweet $1500+ camera spend it's life on full-auto modes.
    I wonder, why has this thing of inexperienced users getting pro cameras seem to have taken off recently? I reckon it might be because photography is just more accessible - you no longer need to have the dedication to physically process film, and cameras are getting a lot better at automatically running the show.

    Now all the better for P+S cameras, as they become more user friendly (even things like (+) and (-) instead of (T) and (W) for zooming), but I certainly think there should be more awareness of that N word you used Majik: NEED. Do you need a D300 just because you can afford it, or will an entry level one do. Hell, will you even be able to get the same shot's you would achieve on a D40 using just a nice P+S?

    Would you need to take the kids to school and do the shopping in a Ferrari? Thirty years ago you couldn't have, but nowadays you don't need to be a race driver. But even if you can, do you need to?

  7. #7
    Arctic Man Majik_Imaje's Avatar
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    Currently living @ the Top of the World in Barrow Alaska

    Re: It is not the camera !!

    There is no such thing: As a camera that will 'teach' you proper composition !!

  8. #8
    Junior Member
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    Adelaide South Austraia

    Re: It is not the camera !!

    Some people do take pics on Auto all the time, they are happy to let the camera think for them, thus denying their creative side. Very nice pics Majik,thanks for showing them.

  9. #9
    Nature/Wildlife Forum Co-Moderator Loupey's Avatar
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    Central Ohio

    Re: It is not the camera !!

    In the days of film, I would have agreed with you.

    But now that digital cameras serve as both cameras and film, I would disagree with you.

    It's kind of pointless to compare one person's skill and experience with one type of camera to another person's skill and experience with another type of camera. So I will turn your point around on you:

    If you have two cameras - one 5 year old digital SLR of one make and one brand new digital SLR of the same make - do you expect to take the same "level" of images with both? Or would you expect to see improved image quality, higher rates of success, and more opportunities with the newer camera?
    Please do not edit or repost my images.

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    What's a Loupe for anyway?

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