Hey there guys,
On Friday afternoon, I went to Jessops to buy my dSLR camera, and I decided to buy the Sony Alpha a350. I also bought a Jessops UV Filter, Jessops screen protectors and a Joby SLR-zoom Gorillapod.
I am very impressed with the camera so far, and all I gotta do now is read the manual and get to know what all the options do :P
And I am VERY impressed with the Gorillapod. Encase you don't know, its a tripod which have ~25cm long legs, but the legs are bendy yet stiff, meaning you can bend them round poles or trees. It also means you can change that 'length' of the legs, changing the camera angle but keeping the camera very stable.
I'll let you know more about the camera when I learn moreI'll add some pictures I took yesterday to my gallery
They are just test shots.