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Thread: Macro For 20d

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brotski Macro For 20d 06-09-2005, 09:27 AM
Lionheart Re: Macro For 20d 06-09-2005, 11:12 PM
brotski Re: Macro For 20d 06-10-2005, 06:46 AM
Photo-John Sigma 105mm Macro 06-10-2005, 02:55 PM
Peter_AUS Re: Sigma 105mm Macro 06-10-2005, 04:40 PM
Candice Re: Macro For 20d 06-12-2005, 12:13 PM
  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Macro For 20d

    Looking for an inexpensive macro for my 20D...any suggestions??

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  2. #2
    Erstwhile Vagabond armed with camera Lionheart's Avatar
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    Re: Macro For 20d

    Quote Originally Posted by brotski
    Looking for an inexpensive macro for my 20D...any suggestions??

    How inexpensive is inexpensive? And are you looking for a true macro lens, not a zoom with "macro" range. Canon's 50mm f2.5 compact macro is an excellent macro lens, but only goes to half life size, and is slow in focusing, costs $240. Sigma's 50mm f2.8 macro costs a little more ($270) but can focus to 1:1. Canon also released the new EF-S 60mm f2.8 USM macro which can focus 1:1 and which on the 20D and Rebel XT is the equivalent of 96mm on a 35mm camera., but costs 450 dollars. Then at some point, you need to think about adding a macro ringlight, or a macro bracket for your flash.
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  3. #3
    Junior Member
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    Re: Macro For 20d

    Quote Originally Posted by Lionheart
    How inexpensive is inexpensive? And are you looking for a true macro lens, not a zoom with "macro" range. Canon's 50mm f2.5 compact macro is an excellent macro lens, but only goes to half life size, and is slow in focusing, costs $240. Sigma's 50mm f2.8 macro costs a little more ($270) but can focus to 1:1. Canon also released the new EF-S 60mm f2.8 USM macro which can focus 1:1 and which on the 20D and Rebel XT is the equivalent of 96mm on a 35mm camera., but costs 450 dollars. Then at some point, you need to think about adding a macro ringlight, or a macro bracket for your flash.
    Thanks lionheart....i was hoping to get a lense in the low 200's. Would a zoom with a macro range be an option??

    "those who know whats best for us, must rise and save us from ourselves."

  4. #4
    Captain of the Ship Photo-John's Avatar
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    Sigma 105mm Macro

    I started to post a reply yesterday and then got sidetracked. See if you can find a used Sigma 105mm f/2.8 Macro. That's still one of the highest-rated lenses on this site. It's not pretty and the AF sounds like a diesel truck grinding gears, but it's a great macro lens. I noticed that Sigma has a new lens with the DG designation. I'm not sure if they've discontinued the original or not. Check their site and B&H to see what's actually available.

    I have the Canon 50mm f/2.5 macro. I love it. I use it for most of the product photos in the pro reviews. For really close stuff I also have the Canon macro converter.

    I don't think a "macro" zoom is a good solution. Although it depends a little on what you plan to shoot. The Canon 28-235mm IS has "macro" capability and it's pretty damn good. The reason I put "macro" in quotes is that there's no zoom that I'm aware of that actually gives you true 1:1 macro. They don't even get close. My 50mm isn't even 1:1.

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  6. #6
    Member Candice's Avatar
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    Re: Macro For 20d

    I have the Canon EF 100mm f/2.8 Macro USM and really love it. It was a bit pricey up here in Canada($900 after taxes) but I am sure it will be less down there in the US. I don't think it will be $200 though.
    Good luck in finding the right lens!

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