I'm fairly new to photography. I've had a digital point and shoot for a couple years and I've outgrown it now because I want to experiment and just get better at taking pictures. I have a list of features that I need and I'm aiming to spend the money on a Digital SLR so that as I get better I'll grow into my camera.
I've spent some time out there looking for a camera and the Digital Rebel seems to almost fit the bill, but it lacks a couple features that I want. Mainly a black and white mode and sepia mode.
Features I'm looking for:
fully auto mode
fully manual mode (mainly looking for exposure lock and manual focus)
changable lenses (wide angle, zoom, telephoto zoom)
hot foot
remote shutter release (manual OR electronic)
Compact Flash / Microdrive memory
black & white mode
sepia mode
I'm finding that most Digital SLRs have all that except the black & white and sepia modes.
I'm looking to spend $800 to $1500.
Any and all suggestions are welcome.
Thanks in advance.