Most all my photography is wildlife. I live a long ways from any parks etc. so the wildlife I shoot is truly wild. I shoot both a point and shoot and a DSLR. I like to get close, and bow hunted for over 50 years, so I have learned ways to do that. But for those of you who shoot REAL wildlife, the noise from the shutter scares many of the critters I like to shoot.
So my question is what is the most silent shutter on a very DSLR camera? Presently I am shooting an Olympus E-5. It takes great photos and I basically really like the camera. but it probably has the loudest shutter click I have ever heard. The same could be said with my E-3 which I also shoot. For those that worry about real noise of the shutter, are there ways I can quite it down a bit. I know I can't make it as silent as my point and shoot camera, but must be a few tricks to quiet it a bit.
What do the rest of you wildlife buffs do to keep your DSLR as quite as possible? Again what DSLR do you guys think makes the softest shutter click?
Thanks and have a good one. BB
I've noticed on most birds its not the issue it is with big game!
For example, if I take a close photo of antelope, like this shot. I get one shot and they are in the next county. What can I do or what can you suggest that might help at least a bit.?