But I don't think that I will ever be able to make my mind. I've gone through many point and shoot digital cameras, and I'm not exactly what you would call a hardcore photographer. However, I want to improve in this hobby as I LOVE taking pictures of just about anything and touching them up in Photoshop. A few of my friends have DSLRs, and I'm pretty much in love with them. My problem though as I stated before, is that I can not decide on one to get. I think that an entry Canon or Nikon camera would suit me just fine, but I can never seem to get an unbiased opinion on which manufacturer would be better. Fanboys of each company will only tell me about how much the other company sucks.
Two cameras I've been looking at are the Nikon D3000, and the Canon EOS Rebel XS. Preferebly something cheaper as I am kind of just a beginner.
I suppose I should give you an idea of what I like to photograph the most. For the most part I like to take pictures of scenery, landscapes, cities, etc in the day time. But as I said before, I like to take pictures of pretty much everything.
I know that this has probably been asked 5000 times, but I would really appreciate any advice that anyone has to offer me. Thanks a ton!!!