A while back I remember having a conversation here about the future of full frame sensors and their place in the market.

On a similar note, I'm now curious about the future of 1.2-1.3x crop sensors. As far as I recall, Canon has been the only company to ever have made such sizes, and has only put it on their older 1D models, and currently does not have any camera that supports the size. Also as far as I know, their are no cameras with anything less than a 1.5x crop sensor, with the exception of full frame.

I would personally have more interest in relying upon a ~ 1.25x crop sensor, its a good compromise of benefits between APS and full frame, and an ideal compromise for my personal shooting style. I don't want to have issues with border softness on any lens under $2k, but I do want to use a larger chunk of the glass. It seems that this sort of camera lends itself better to some of the market than either APS or FX, and yet, it looks as if there will never be anything else between APS and FX. Is there any hope possible for a comeback of 1.2x crop sensors? Or should I stop holding my breath?