Hi forum.
I'm not an artistic photographer, but my work involves me taking photos. For my purposes, a compact digital cam has been more than adequate. I have had a few, but my favourite - for reasons I'll explain in a minute - is my current companion, a trusty old (5.0 MP) Kodak VS570,
I received a very nice Christmas present this year - a Sony A-550 DSLR with a zoom lens kit. This present came completely out of left-field. Obviously I'm grateful that someone would give me something like this, but I had not asked for a DSLR, and probably would never have bought one on my own. I used to enjoy taking photos for fun, but it's been years since I have. I think this camera was given to me to inspire me to take up the hobby again. And I would like to do that. We'll see. I just don't know if this camera will suit my needs.
I don't want to offend the gift-giver, so perhaps you can help me.
I am a location scout for tv/film productions. In my work, I find I regularly use a wide lens, panorama stitching, and basic video. That's why I like the Kodak. It has its limitations, of course, but it has a built-in wide angle lens, and does really good pan-stitching. It also shoots functional quality MPEG video. I work on the road, so I tend to upload my pics to my laptop and email them to my office. One distinct advantage to a compact is its size in this environment. Any DSLR is going to be big, and I really don't want to carry two cameras around on the job. But, if I can't find a way to make my DSLR work for me on the job, it'll just gather dust at home (I know it!).
Although my Kodak doesn't have a time-lapse setting, that is something I would really like to have in at least one camera. I used to do lots of recreational photography in time-lapse, and I really enjoy the results.
Obviously the A-550 doesn't offer video. I can get around that if I have to.
The Sony came with a software disc, but I haven't opened it because I may return the camera for a different model/brand. Can anyone tell me, does the disc have software which will enable the A-550 to shoot time-lapse or panorama?
If not, are there third-party software sources for either of those functions?
If not, what comparable camera models should I look at? In a perfect world, I would like a DSLR with time-lapse, video, and panorama stitching, or at least one of those features. The A-550 has 14.2 MP technology, but I think I could be content with a camera with a 10-12 MP chip, if it had the features I want.
Lastly, since the Sony DSLR has a remote trigger, is there a third party device with internal time lapse, which could work with it? I was surprised to see, while reviewing the Sony accessories catalogue, that they don't offer any sort of hardware module or attachment for time lapse or motion control.
Back in film days, I used a Canon T-70 35mm SLR which was a work-horse (it also had the optional "Data-Back" which allowed for time-lapse settings, date stamping, etc), Before that I had a 60s-era Pentax-Asahi which was seemingly indestructable (until I broke it!). I have no real brand loyaly, so consider me an uncarved block. I welcome your measured responses.