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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2020

    Elon Musk recently realized that self-driving cars are 'Difficult problem'

    Elon Musk recently realized that self-driving cars are 'Difficult problem'-maxresdefault.jpg

    Tesla CEO Elon Musk finally admitted that he underestimated himself how difficult it is to develop safe and reliable self-driving cars. to which the entire engineering community stood up as one, "No."

    Or at least it should happen in a fair world. On the slotxo other hand, Tesla's fanatics and kissers on Twitter have told Musk to keep up the good work. They believe in him. and encouraged him to hurry to release the latest version of "Full Self-Driving" software at It's something worth pointing out.

    It doesn't make Tesla cars self-driving without driver input.Musk has a long history of promising superiority and under-delivery.
    Musk has a long history of prone and underperforming when it comes to his company's "Full Self-Driving" software.

    He did so in 2018 when he promised the "long-awaited" V9 (version 9). It will begin launching in August. He did it again in 2019, announcing that “a year from now” there will be “millions of self-driving cars, software and everything.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2020

    Re: Elon Musk recently realized that self-driving cars are 'Difficult problem'

    I like Tesla and all modern cars but yes, it seems to be a big problem for the world. So I choose BMW 1 series coupe.

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