Even though digital photography has grown out of its infancy stage, and most people I know own at least one digital camera, I still see a lot of reference to the zoom factor in cameras with a smaller (than full frame) sensor. Quite awhile back, I finally got my head around the notion that the "equivalent to 400mm" reach of my little point and shoot was not like having a 400mm lens on a very small camera, but was in fact, only a cropped view of what my camera could put into a frame, but which gave the appearance of an image taken with a lens zoomed to 400mm on a full frame. The question is - do I really get the zoom or just a cropped version that mimics the field of view of a zoom lens on a 35mm body?
My understanding of the crop factor tells me no, it's not more zoom, but just the perception of zoom.
I found this site which I thought explained the crop factor/multiplier effect quite well, but rarely see the artificial perception of added zoom adequately explained.