I have a problem. I have PS-CS on my Mac, and CS2 on my PC. For some reason unknown to me, neither can handle RAW files from my new Olympus E-500. The .ORF file extention is nothing new. It has been around since before the days of the E-1. We are talking about the time of PS 6 here. So, why can't the RAW converter deal with my .ORF files? It handled my .CRW files from both my D30 and D60, and the .MRW files from my Minolta DiMage 7i without any problem whatsoever.
I have been to the Olympus site and downloaded their abmismal PhotoShop RAW plugin, which is basically an import utility with very little control over processing. It's pretty much unuseable.
I guess what I want to know is this, why won't PS work with my .ORF files? Is there something I missed? Do I need a 3rd party app to convert the .ORF files in before I work on them in PS? I am not talking about the overly simplistic kind of program that they provide with the camera, but rather something that is on par with the kind of control I am used to with Adobe Camera RAW.
Thanks for any help.