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Playdo Canon and Nikon Quality and... 10-07-2009, 03:12 PM
Franglais Only negative experiences? 10-07-2009, 11:59 PM
byjamesderuvoDHQ Re: Canon and Nikon Quality... 10-08-2009, 12:09 AM
Playdo Re: Canon and Nikon Quality... 10-08-2009, 05:35 AM
Anbesol Re: Canon and Nikon Quality... 10-08-2009, 09:20 PM
straightarm Re: Canon and Nikon Quality... 10-21-2009, 05:46 PM
  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2009

    Canon and Nikon Quality and Quality Control

    I'm looking into quality and quality control between the two big companies; Canon and Nikon for a project.

    Please share any experiences that you have had and feel free to go as in depth as you like. Whether it be something that didn't live up to your expectations, something that was faulty, problems getting the equipment repaired, unnecessary time + cost lost etc...

    I look forward to reading them.

  2. #2
    Be serious Franglais's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Paris, France

    Only negative experiences?

    I've been using Nikon for 10 years and if you're looking for negative experiences and quality control problems then I would have nothing to write. Usually I'm delighted - each generation gets better and I'm continually surprised when I discover new improvements (example: 3200ISO on the D60).

    The only thing that's gone wrong with my Nikon gear is my 35mm f2 - the diaphragm doesn't seem to close down any more, after not being used for a long time. I believe that this is a known problem with this lens (which dates from the mid 1990's).

    Nikon D800, D7200, Sony RX100m3
    Not buying any more gear this year. I hope

  3. #3
    Member byjamesderuvoDHQ's Avatar
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    Jul 2008
    Los Angeles, CA USA

    Re: Canon and Nikon Quality and Quality Control

    Nikon had a bad patch in the mid 80s with their first generation auto focus cameras, but they learned from it. Their main strength though is their legacy lens support.

    Canon has had solid DSLRs from the gitgo, IMHO. Frankly, both companies are at the top of their game right now and I think you'd be happy with either.

  4. #4
    Junior Member
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    Oct 2009

    Re: Canon and Nikon Quality and Quality Control

    Hi all. Thankyou for the responses so far. For future reference please ensure that you are making your observations from personal experience and 'state' this. Links to other resources are more than welcome.

  5. #5
    Senior Member Anbesol's Avatar
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    Mar 2006

    Re: Canon and Nikon Quality and Quality Control

    I currently use Nikon D200's in a professional environment, I have noticed that the sync timings between some of them vary. I can set up a perfectly calibrated 3 strobe studio to one camera, and I bring the next camera into that exact studio and its slightly brighter or slightly darker. Meaning, the signal being sent to the hot shoe and the signal being sent to the shutter are slightly off (on the darker one), and the flash is signaled prematurely. Its a quality control issue because obviously some of the units being produced are effected and some aren't. Its a minor issue, but still an issue. It isn't even really worth anybodys time or effort to ship it in and get it serviced.

    The D200 has been an otherwise very reliable camera - the build quality is great.

  6. #6
    Toon Army Foot Soldier straightarm's Avatar
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    Jan 2004
    Exiled from the Toon.

    Re: Canon and Nikon Quality and Quality Control

    I've been a Canon user since 1986, and an EOS user since 1993.

    The only faults I've had in that time were

    1991, flashgun stopped working, took it into Canon UK, fixed quickly and for about GBP30

    2006, shutter on my EOS 1D mk2 failed. Again took it to Canon, who fixed it in about 3-4 weeks for about GBP150-200.

    Last year, I had the diaphram on my 500f4 stick. Took it into Canon who claimed to have fixed it by cleaning it. they only chaged about GBP35. Unfortunately it stuck again next time I used it. They fixed it FOC, this time with a complete new diaphram unit, which would have cost significantly more.

    so in 23 years of Canon use, 3 failures. I wish cars were this reliable
    Simon, bombadier 1st class

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