The Bonus-Malus coefficient (CBM) directly affects the cost of an OSAGO policy. The driver's MSC changes regularly depending on his insurance experience and the number of accidents in which he was found guilty. For each subsequent year of accident-free driving, the price of OSAGO is reduced by 5%, and the driver's class is increased. The higher the experience, the greater the discount on insurance - up to 50%. You can determine the current value and find out how to restore the KBM for OSAGO in the PCA database (on the website of the Russian Union of Motor Insurers).

For the correct formation of the indicator, it is important to make timely changes to the database that affect the amount of the discount, otherwise, the cost of insurance will be calculated incorrectly.

If you find an unreasonable increase in the coefficient and are looking for how to reduce the BMF, please contact our specialists. In all cases, except for accidents and reckless driving, the applicant is entitled to an adjustment.

Our service is designed to update the insurance history of the driver and restore the After receiving the correct value, you are entitled to a legal discount and a refund of the overpayment for OSAGO.