Hi all,
I was reading another thread this morning about taking a long exposure and noise problems. So far, everything I've read basically says that anything over a minute, with most digital cameras, is useless. For example, the lowest ISO on my Pentax is 200. Even with 30 sec night shots, I was getting so much noise that the shots were useless. I don't have Noise Ninja, but from what I've read, even that has it's limitations. I would think my Nikon Coolpix could do much better since it has ISO 50 and with the few night shots I tried with it, I did manage to get a few that were ok but still very noisy. So, I ask, what good is having the "bulb" setting on most digital cameras?
This is just a thought for discussion and ideas to help me better understand long exposure as it deals with digital cameras. I understand that film, for now, is the better way to go with long exposures...but...I, like many others nowadays, am a digital user.
I'll be very interested in seeing what everyone has to say.