I am a novice photographer at best. I have hand a standard Canon 35mm for about 10 years now and have mostly used it for sports photography and specifically with motorsports. Given the nature of the photos I am taking (fast moving) this has been an expensive and often dissapointing experience. Harken in the digital age and the power to take endless photos and delete the ones that don't come out. Now I am ready to jump back in, learn alot, and have some fun.

At this point my main interest is motorsports. I typically go to one or two Formula One races a year and enjoy getting action shots, usually from the stands or some distance. I am looking for a camera/lens that would suite this type of photagraphy. My research has lead me to the Canon 40D and probably a 70-200mm IS L series lens. All of this is big money but I know that if it leads to better results then I will take more and more photos. Clearly a bicycle with out Lance does not win the Tour itself so I am aware that I too have to learn better technique as the equipement does not do all the work.

So anyways I am looking for recommended paramenters for sports photography to help me decide on both a body and len(s) purchase.

I know my question is general but thanks in advance for the advice. Glad to have found this forum. I have used most of the reviews on this forum to help lead me in the current direction.