My brother is going on a 6-week road trip through Mexico, and is looking to buy a point-and-shoot digital camera for this trip. Problem is, he won't have a computer along, and enough extra memory cards would get expensive.
One option I've considered is to load pictures from the digital camera onto a computer at an internet cafe (he plans to use them to check email regularly), and then upload them to an ftp server. The issues with this are
1. do computers at internet cafes have USB ports?
2. do computers at internet cafes have hard drive space that users can access to download the pictures?
3. do computers at internet cafes have fast enough connections to make it feasible to upload photos to an ftp server in the U.S.?
Alternately, computers that have a cd-burner would provide a much quicker way to back up the pictures.
The other issue here is the type of camera: cameras that can download to a computer without special software would be preferable, as you really couldn't go around installing Canon download software on every internet cafe computer that you want to use.
So this leads me to my other main question for you: who makes good digital point-and-shoot cameras that can upload to a computer without special software?
My own point-and-shoot DC is a Canon, takes great pictures, but this needs software to download to a computer and do it right.
General thoughts on this issue would be appreciated as well. Thanks much.