I currently use a Panasonic Lumix which is 5 years old and developing a rather expensive fault which means replacement rather than repair.
The question is for me, what to get? In 35mm days I first used a variety of Pentax SLRs and then moved on to Olympus models. BUT, I like many others of my age group am now suffering from increasingly poor eyesight - the Olympus had a diopter on the viewfinder which made life so much easier.
I have noticed recently that whilst I can see my subject clearly (with glasses) - when it comes to taking the photo I have to remove glasses and then, looking at the image in the LCD cannot tell whether I am really focussed or not and so consequently have many blurred photos (good job it's a digital and I can take loads!!).
I do like a 'clever' camera, having been used to the Pentax with a multitude of lenses etc., but now, with children I need something that is, I gues, an intelligent point and click. And preferably a rapid time from 'click to exposure' (my kids are always moving!!!).
I guess this is probably a tall order but I thought I'd ask more knowledgeable people than I. We have a major family holiday looming - family gathering in the 'House of Mouse' if you get my drift - I don't want to miss a moment.