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  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2006

    Two dead cameras in as many months...odd

    I figure that I'm just having extreme bad luck, but I thought I'd just ask some people to be sure.

    Started November with my Coolpix 5400. The camera had been working great for three years. One day, I went to use it, took it out of its bag, turned it on. The rear LCD showed nothing but purple streaks from the left side, and that's how the camera now takes pictures:

    The camera worked great a few weeks before that when I used it last, and after that it just sat in it's bag in a corner.

    So after that, I went home for the holidays, and dug my old FinePix F401 out of storage, just so I could take some snapshots. The camera worked for ~5 years, and worked when I dug it out of a box in my closet and gave it a charge. Today, I grabed the camera from its cradle to take a picute, turned it on, and saw problems. The LCD showed a green/red world, while the camera takes picturres like this:

    Again, two weeks before this the camera worked fine, and it spent the time between in its cradle.

    Now granted both camera were somewhat old, but for both of them to error within a month of eachother, under my normal usage of them? Am I just that unlucky? Any ideas as to what could have happened to them?

  2. #2
    photo gallery Mod. starriderrick's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Mountain View, California, United States

    Re: Two dead cameras in as many months...odd

    Bad Luck !!

    Are these cameras stored in a high humidity enviroment ? Curious
    P.S. there are some great used deals on E-bay for the coolpix 5400

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