HI...I am new here...trying to decide between different brands of a digital camera...I have had the Canon Rebel 35mm for 2 years and love it...I am no pro, but love playing around..The last few months I have used hubby's HP 720 from his work and love it, but want to purchase something newer and more powerful. I want at least 10x optical and something that can go full manual or when I am lazy, all auto.
I am looking at the Olympus Camedia 750 Ultra Zoom, Kodak Easyshare 6490, Minolta DiMage Z1 and the Fuji S500. Any Brand better than the other? I want ease of use...GREAT clear shots, night or day, macro or distant. HELP!!!!!There is too much information out there and too many opinions!!!! (Now, here I am asking yours!)
If anybody has used any of these and has had a great experience, or not, please let me know.