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  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    Tradeoff with extra zoom?

    I would appreciate if anyone could offer advice.

    I currently have the Canon Ixus 400 and I am looking to upgrade. Although I've been failry happy with the camera I'm finding that the 3x zoom on the Ixus 400 is inadequate. The other issue I have is that photos are blurry with even fairly slow movement and photos are often blurry in low light - although it could be that I have not been using the manual controls properly.

    The question I have is, someone told me that the bigger the zoom is, the worse my problems would be with movement and low light. Is this true?

  2. #2
    Sitting in a Leaky Dingy Michael Fanelli's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Perryville, MD

    Re: Tradeoff with extra zoom?

    Quote Originally Posted by poppy
    I would appreciate if anyone could offer advice.

    I currently have the Canon Ixus 400 and I am looking to upgrade. Although I've been failry happy with the camera I'm finding that the 3x zoom on the Ixus 400 is inadequate. The other issue I have is that photos are blurry with even fairly slow movement and photos are often blurry in low light - although it could be that I have not been using the manual controls properly.

    The question I have is, someone told me that the bigger the zoom is, the worse my problems would be with movement and low light. Is this true?
    Well, I have a Canon 400 and my photos have none of the problems you describe. I'd suggest working on your technique before investing in new equipment!

    Yes, the longer the lens, the more optical problems you will find. However, unless you are a real expert, I doubt that you will notice them. A longer zoom is nice to have! But yes, with a longer zoom you will definately have to get your skills up to standard.
    "Every great decision creates ripples--like a huge boulder dropped in a lake. The ripples merge and rebound off the banks in unforseeable ways.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Buenos Aires, Argentina

    Re: Tradeoff with extra zoom?

    You get blurred pictures with moving subjects/low light, because the shutter speed you are shooting is too slow (smaller number). If you want to shoot in manual mode, you need to understand concepts like shutter speed, aperture, iso sensitivity, etc. Otherwise, the factory sports, landscape, macro, etc, can help, avoid full auto when possible (full auto tries to guess what kind of picture it is, but cameras doesn't have a brain, so it's better to help them, and set the scene type).

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