I just had a new baby girl and I need a good digital camera. I originally wanted to buy a Sony Mavica, but I tried one and was not impressed with picture quality. Now I am debating to buy either the Sony F828 or the Canon Digital Rebel. I recently bought a sony computer and I have a $200 coupon to put towards my next Sony purchase. Thus far here are my pros and cons I have analyzed with regards to each camera:

*$200 coupon I can use to lower price
*Macro Zoom - I have a Sony camcorder that shoots 1 meg macro zooms and I have taken some awesome baby shots which my relatives love. I heard the F828 has the best Macro Zoom on the Market
*Great Colors - with emerald filter
*Sturdy body

*Only one lens
*More noise at ISOs over 200. I live in FL - the land of bright light
*Purple fringing on higher resolutions

*Ability to use different lenses
*Less noise at higher ISOs
*Better Overall Picture - I believe
*Lighter in Weight

*No $200 Coupon
*Macro Zoom is very weak
*Colors are less accurate - possibly oversaturated
*Plastic Case

I am driving my wife nuts with decision. She just keeps asking me "which camera takes better pictures - sharper, cleaner, color accurate". I am not completely sure. Can you guys help? Also, some people have recommended that I buy the Canon and then get a macro zoom lens. My questions on this are: Will a macro lens perform as good as the Sony? How much for a macro lens? and can someone post a link to one? I don't know where to find an entry level macro zoom.

Bottom line - which camera should I buy????