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  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2006

    Shakey and dissapointing Canon A620 :(

    Hi guys,

    Got my 2nd hand A620 the other day (paid £120), been taking some photos, and I'm not that impressed...

    I went to take some close up photos of stuff to sell on eBay, it was the evening so had my bedroom light on (sufficiently bright) and anything without the flash on in Auto (or any mode) and it comes up with the shakey camera icon!

    I have noticed this icon on many occasions when I try to use manual mode aswell.

    I gave my sister the camera to use at a concert, she put it in auto mode with auto flash on (in super fine mode, and maximum resolution) and got the following results...

    The first one shows how far away she was. She said on many occassions she got the shakey icon.

    I am an amateur, so am I missing something? Should the camera have been configured to night mode and manually set? Was she too far away for good shots?? I don't see this camera as money well spent... yet!

    Maybe the camera being 2nd hand there is a small fault with it therefore the shakey icon coming on, etc.??

    I would love someone to change my mind about this camera. (please).

  2. #2
    Poster Formerly Known as Michael Fanelli mwfanelli's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Perryville, MD

    Re: Shakey and dissapointing Canon A620 :(

    Quote Originally Posted by chodecz
    Hi guys,

    Got my 2nd hand A620 the other day (paid £120), been taking some photos, and I'm not that impressed...

    I went to take some close up photos of stuff to sell on eBay, it was the evening so had my bedroom light on (sufficiently bright) and anything without the flash on in Auto (or any mode) and it comes up with the shakey camera icon!

    I have noticed this icon on many occasions when I try to use manual mode aswell.

    I gave my sister the camera to use at a concert, she put it in auto mode with auto flash on (in super fine mode, and maximum resolution) and got the following results...

    The first one shows how far away she was. She said on many occassions she got the shakey icon.

    I am an amateur, so am I missing something? Should the camera have been configured to night mode and manually set? Was she too far away for good shots?? I don't see this camera as money well spent... yet!

    Maybe the camera being 2nd hand there is a small fault with it therefore the shakey icon coming on, etc.??

    I would love someone to change my mind about this camera. (please).
    Any camera is limited by the shutter speeds and aperture settings. The shaky icon is telling you that, even with wide open aperture, your shutter speed is still too low for reliable hand holding. All cameras do this.

    What you see as "good" light indoors is a product of how your eye and brain work. In actual fact, indoor light is often pretty weak. The flash fills in that light for you.

    At a concert, one of the hardest types of photos to take, the flash can't light up the entire building! You see this at ballgames where flashes are going off but adding up to nothing. The only choice for a good concert photos is extremely expensive equipment and preferably, a photo pass to let you get close to the stage.

    Your camera is working fine!
    "Sometimes I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on, or by imbeciles who really mean it." --Mark Twain

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