The smaller the better. Those Canon Powershots are a pretty good size. It has to fit comfortably into my pocket. I'm so weary of carrying things in my pockets that I leave my car keys in my car. (I have a numerical keypad on the door.)
Very low shutter lag. I have to be quick, even when using flash.
Big and bright preview screen. I shoot in all kinds of natural light so a good screen is important.
How many megapixels will suffice for you?
Not sure. If MP's determine the quality of the photo, I'd like for it to be high. If it only determines the size of picture you want, I will never use it for larger than a 9x12 print.
What optical zoom will you need? (None, Standard = 3x-4x, Ultrazoom = 10x-12x, Other - Specify)
3x-4x will work but 10x-12x would be better.
How important is “image quality” to you? (Rate using a scale of 1-10)
Do you care for manual controls?
Not really. I just need a few like macro, flash, zoom, timer, and file size/quality.
What will you generally use the camera for?
Taking pictures of people/crowds walking around. Non-sports.
Will you be making big prints of your photos or not?
Will you be shooting a lot of indoor photos or low light photos?
Yes. Sometimes I have to shoot people after dark while they are in their car.
Will you be shooting sports and/or action photos?
No but shutter lag is very important to me. The people I'm shooting usually aren't in the mood to have their pic taken.
Are there particular brands you like or hate?
Are there particular models you already have in mind?
I have been looking at a couple Panasonics. I like the DMC-FX35K and the DMC-FX500K. They both look very good. The DMC-FX500K's minimum shutter speed is 60 1/2000. The FX35K is 8 1/2000. That sounds like the FX500K could have a lot of shutter lag compared to the FX35K. Is that true? I don't have a very steady hand...so maybe I should go for the DMC-FX35K for the quicker shutter. I hate having to take 3 shots because the first two were blurry.
(If applicable) Do you need any of the following special features? (Wide Angle, Image Stabilization, Weatherproof, Hotshoe, Rotating LCD)
Image Stabilization. Wide angle would be nice every once in a while...I guess it isn't important though. I certainly wouldn't buy a bigger camera just because it had wide angle. (Being compact is important.)
Additional notes:
I really want for it to be a nice camera. The smaller the better. I want to know it is nice just by looking at it. Good brand, you know. It has to be fast...as fast as possible. Here are the most important things to me:
1. Speed. I have to take it out of my pocket, power it up, and take a pic very quickly.
2. Size. I hate carrying things in my pocket and a lanyard isn't always an option. Even having a lighter in my pocket drives me nuts. (If you think that's crazy, I have a hard time making myself close cabinet doors too...especially in the kitchen.)
3. Quality. Sturdy build, looks cool, etc.
Thank you, guys!!