I need some guidance on selecting our first digital slr. Since I first read the "sticky" before posting, here are my details:
THE USE: We have young kiddos and I would love to catch wonderful shots of them doing interesting things... trying to walk, painting the walls with non-washable markers... you know, the usual. Since our life now revolves around them, this is the majority of the future camera's use. The afore mentioned sticky said to mention the size of prints... I could see these going definitely above 8x10, but not above poster size.
THE CANDIDATES: I have narrowed down our purchase to the Rebel XT and the Nikon D70. We are in the sub $GRAND$ market and would like to stay there. That said, we could be swayed to take a gander at other options.
So if you could "help a sista out" and give up some much needed guidance and advice I would be forever in your debt (not really, but I would appreciate you greatly).