I've been wanting to get a new camera for a little while now, and I've heard that the S2 is a very good camera for the price. I've read many reviews. I'm mainly interested in taking pictures of wildlife (macros of insects and the likes, but at the same time be able to get some nice pictures of birds, still or motion). Is this good for what I want to do? What kind of macro lens would you recommend, without spending a fortune? Would it just be better to get a telephoto lens, since I want close-ups of insects and birds?
Sorry for all the questions, but I really appreciate it
Edit: What do you guys think of the Raynox MSN-200? (Well, it's the 202 on the site I'm looking at, BugEye Digital). Is it a good macro lens that will work well with the S2 IS (with the adapter and a step down ring, of course)?