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  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Angry please help.. dilemma in choosing cameras

    Type of camera/lens/accesories : compact/dslr
    Your Location: PERAK
    Preferable brand : -
    Type of photography u want to do : POTRAIT,SCENERY
    Any specific models in mind? : olympus E-450, Lumix FZ35/FZ38 , canon G-11
    Any specific features u want? : pictures must be good in dark and also bright area

    please help. i'm in dilemma. dunno which to choose...

    buy compact better or dslr better??

  2. #2
    Senior Member BlueRob's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Re: please help.. dilemma in choosing cameras

    Well....that the million dollar question....but the answer is up to you. If you are planing to get into photography as a "serious" hobby I will choose no dubt the Oly 450, it is a nice entry DSLR, very compact for a DSLR, good quality, and have the advantage over the other two that being a SLR you can buy in the near future different lenses to suit you needs. If you want an "all around" type of thing and don´t want to carry lenses I will choose the Lumix its a high-end point an shoot with a nice Leica Glass in front and a very decent zoom range.
    The G-11 is the smaller of the 3 I thinkm and the small brother the G-10 is well know of delivering quality pics, but it lacks the zoom range of the Lumix.

    I have an Oly E-420 and it makes me happy, delivers great images, is small a lightweight and has a more Pro feel than a point a shoot, broad range of features.
    Something nice about this Evolts are the lenses, Zuiko brand, most of them are very cheap and light, and the quality is very very good considering the price. HTH

  3. #3
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Re: please help.. dilemma in choosing cameras

    Quote Originally Posted by BlueRob
    Well....that the million dollar question....but the answer is up to you. If you are planing to get into photography as a "serious" hobby I will choose no dubt the Oly 450, it is a nice entry DSLR, very compact for a DSLR, good quality, and have the advantage over the other two that being a SLR you can buy in the near future different lenses to suit you needs. If you want an "all around" type of thing and don´t want to carry lenses I will choose the Lumix its a high-end point an shoot with a nice Leica Glass in front and a very decent zoom range.
    The G-11 is the smaller of the 3 I thinkm and the small brother the G-10 is well know of delivering quality pics, but it lacks the zoom range of the Lumix.

    I have an Oly E-420 and it makes me happy, delivers great images, is small a lightweight and has a more Pro feel than a point a shoot, broad range of features.
    Something nice about this Evolts are the lenses, Zuiko brand, most of them are very cheap and light, and the quality is very very good considering the price. HTH
    thanks! but what is the market price for e-450 and lumix? is it quite pricey?

  4. #4
    Senior Member BlueRob's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Re: please help.. dilemma in choosing cameras

    Quote Originally Posted by v-tjen
    thanks! but what is the market price for e-450 and lumix? is it quite pricey?
    No Problem, as for the prices well you have to check them locally and see which one fits your budget.

  5. #5
    Member byjamesderuvoDHQ's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Los Angeles, CA USA

    Re: please help.. dilemma in choosing cameras

    If you're going for a DLSR, it helps to think of it more as a "system," rather than simply a camera. That's because as you get more advanced, you'll be able to upgrade your camera body while using the same lenses. And while Olympus makes a fine camera and lens, Nikon and Canon are probably the best in the market right now. I give Nikon the edge simply due to their legacy lens support. You can use lenses from the last 50 years (on manual, of course).

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