Guys, I've just started a petition for a Panasonic firmware update. The Venus III engine is simply too aggressive and kills a lot of details. We discussed this problem at dpreview forums and then I though about petition for simple firmware update (applicable on LX2 and FZ50), which will allow us to to turn the in-camera picture adjustments completely OFF, especially the Noise Reduction. Adjusting Noise Reduction to LOW is simply not enough.

If you check these full resolution FZ50 images..

..or these full res. crops I made from the above full res. images..

ISO 100:
ISO 200:
ISO 400:
ISO 800:
ISO 1600:

You will clearly realize how strong is the Venus III noise reduction, even at lowest possible level. It would really be great if Panasonic would release (finally) a user installable firmware, which will allow us to set the JPEG noise reduction to OFF.

So if you are interested, read and sign the petition, which is available here..

Maybe if we collect enough petitioners, we will change something? ;)

Some time ago, many Casio z850 buyers cried about bad quality of video taken with this camera in high-quality mode. The official Casio statement was "there will be no firmware update nor we are working on it". But now, few months after Z850 release, there is a firmware fix (better said workaround) for this problem!

So why not with Panasonic? I'm sure, we can be successful if we will act together..why not give it a try? We can't lose anything. So please, read and sign the petition and tell about it to as many Panasonic photographers as you know.