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  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Aug 2007

    Olympus/Canon Card Question

    I am looking for a camera that takes the Compact Flash card. I have had really good luck with Olympus cameras in the past, but I don't know what model number would accept the CF cards. It doesn't have to be above 4 megapixels and zoom is unimportant. If you know of any OLDER model numbers that do accept the CF card from Olympus or Canon, please let me know............Thank you Scott

  2. #2
    Captain of the Ship Photo-John's Avatar
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    Aug 2001
    Salt Lake City, Utah, United States

    Re: Olympus/Canon Card Question

    The only Olympus digital cameras that use Compact Flash are the new digital SLRs, like the E-510. The compact digital cameras all use the xD memory card. Older Olympus digital cameras used the SmartMedia memory card format.

    Current Canon compact digital cameras all use the SD (Secure Digital) memory cards. Older G-Series camera like my old PowerShot G2 used CompactFlash, though.

    If you're trying to buy a camera to fit the meory cards you already have, I'd like to encourage you to change your strategy. Memory cards are ridiculously cheap now. And the current digital cameras are much, much better than they were even one year ago. So I would encourage you to buy a current digital camera and just cough up for whatever memeory you need to buy. You'll end up with a better camera and the new memory shouldn't cost you more than about $50 - and that's for a full 1 gig card. Memory is cheap!

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  3. #3
    Senior Shooter Greg McCary's Avatar
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    Rome Ga.

    Re: Olympus/Canon Card Question

    Quote Originally Posted by scottp63
    I am looking for a camera that takes the Compact Flash card. I have had really good luck with Olympus cameras in the past, but I don't know what model number would accept the CF cards. It doesn't have to be above 4 megapixels and zoom is unimportant. If you know of any OLDER model numbers that do accept the CF card from Olympus or Canon, please let me know............Thank you Scott
    The E-500 takes CF card as well. You can also have an Xd card in it too and switch from one to the other. I am not sure about the E1 and 300. But there are some really good deals on the 500 now since the 510 is on the market.
    I am like Barney Fife, I have a gun but Andy makes me keep the bullet in my pocket..

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  4. #4
    Junior Member
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    Aug 2007

    Re: Olympus/Canon Card Question

    Thank you for the reply, and allow me to explain. I have two digital "Trail Cams" that do not have view screens. My thought was that if I could find an older digital camera cheap, I could view the pictures the trail cam had taken by swapping the card and looking on my digital camera, rather than having to wait till I get home. I take it that a canon powershot G2 is a possibility? Thanks .................Scott

  5. #5
    Captain of the Ship Photo-John's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Salt Lake City, Utah, United States

    Re: Olympus/Canon Card Question

    Quote Originally Posted by scottp63
    Thank you for the reply, and allow me to explain. I have two digital "Trail Cams" that do not have view screens. My thought was that if I could find an older digital camera cheap, I could view the pictures the trail cam had taken by swapping the card and looking on my digital camera, rather than having to wait till I get home. I take it that a canon powershot G2 is a possibility? Thanks .................Scott
    Ok, got it. Thanks for the explanation. It makes more sense now. You can look through the reviews on this site to see what cameras use CompactFlash. But I think the older Canon A-Series digitals, like the A75, A85, and A95 might be your best bet. They weren't as high-end as the G2 and I'm pretty sure they used CF cards. My guess is you can find one of those for $50 or less. Older Nikon compact digitals also used CompactFlash cards. Another option is to step up and buy a digital SLR that uses CompactFlash cards. That way you have a better camera and you can look at the photos, too.

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  6. #6
    Junior Member
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    Aug 2007

    Re: Olympus/Canon Card Question

    Thank you again for taking the time to respond, that is what I was hoping to hear and now I can start looking.......Many Thanks....Scott

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    The Oldest City (in the US of A)

    Re: Olympus/Canon Card Question

    I just bought Sandisk Extreme III 2 gig SD from Amazon for about $37. The Ultra II is about $32 and is actually fast enough for any camera.

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