Hi, yes it's me again and I still haven't purchased a digital camera yet.
I have been looking at the Minolta Z5, Canon G6, Olympus C-7000 and C5500, and the Sony DSC-V3. Now according to some reviews that I have been reading, the Z5 has a soft picture problem and purple fringing. The problem with Olympus mostly is the XD price and card corruption. The C-5500 sounds promising, but not enough reviews yet, and the C-7000, not sure yet.
I realize that there are new cameras still coming out, so I still might wait. I just hate making decisions, I should just buy and if I don't like it bring it back. RIGHT!
Couple of questions, I read that the higher mp in a compact point and shoot camera has more pixel problems in the picture than a lower one, is that true? Also, I would like a camera with some zoom to it, because I am a all around amateur photographer, I want the camera to be ready for any situations. Honestly, I really don't take much pictures anymore, but probably would if I finally make a decision in buying a digital camera.
Thanks for hearing me out again.