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  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2007

    Nixon D70 beginner question re: shurtter speed

    Hi -

    I have a Nikon D70 and am finally trying to move beyond the pre-sets in the automatic modes. I would like to try some thngs with photographing water - I live near the beach in California - and also would like to try panning shots of surfers, people running on the beach, and the like.

    Unfortunately (or incompetently) I can't figure out how to set the shutter speed on my camera. From what I've seen, I'd like to try 1/45 to 1/60 of a second, but cannot seem to find how to do it.

    Any guidance for this rank beginner would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks in advance for whatever you might be able to tell me.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Re: Nixon D70 beginner question re: shurtter speed

    Ok, I have never used a Nikon, but I think I can figure it out by looking at a few pictures of the camera. First, you need to put it in a mode that allows you to adjust the shutter speed. Put the mode dial in "S" if you want to select just the shutter speed, and let the camera choose an appropriate aperture. To adjust the shutter speed, you will need to turn one of the two horizontal dials, that are under your thumb on the back of the camera, and below the shutter release on the front of the camera. But I don't know which one of these adjust the shutter speed, so you'll have to figure that out yourself.

    Good luck with those motion blur shots!
    "The camera is an instrument that teaches people how to see without a camera." - Dorothea Lang


  3. #3
    Toon Army Foot Soldier straightarm's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Exiled from the Toon.

    Re: Nixon D70 beginner question re: shurtter speed

    This might be stating the obvious, but have you

    Simon, bombadier 1st class

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