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  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Question Nikon D60 -OR- Canon Power shot G9

    Title says it all which would u Prefer

  2. #2
    Captain of the Ship Photo-John's Avatar
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    Re: Nikon D60 -OR- Canon Power shot G9

    Personally, I would prefer the D60. The G9 is a really, really nice camera and the image quality is wonderful - for a compact. But it's much slower than any DSLR and the image quality from any digital SLR will be better than the G9. And for me, if I'm gonna go compact, I want the camera to be pocket-sized.

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  3. #3
    Junior Member
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    Re: Nikon D60 -OR- Canon Power shot G9

    Yeah for me Its the D60 aswell


  4. #4
    Captain of the Ship Photo-John's Avatar
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    Re: Nikon D60 -OR- Canon Power shot G9

    Quote Originally Posted by Martin Davitt
    Yeah for me Its the D60 aswell

    Were you just looking for someone to confirm your inclination or were you just curious? I like the G9 a lot. But it's just not the right camera for me. I haven't actually used the D60, but I have used the D40x a lot (basically the same camera) and really enjoyed it - especially with the 18-200mm VR lens.

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  5. #5
    Member byjamesderuvoDHQ's Avatar
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    Re: Nikon D60 -OR- Canon Power shot G9

    Regarding the G9: Even though it has a larger CCd than most point and shoots, For picture quality, I think there's too much MP here to work with. Let me explain. I came across an interesting article today about how more mega pixels is not necessarily a good thing. According to Image Engineering – a company that does testing of digital cameras for photo magazines in Germany – the quality of digital pictures has steadily decreased since the state of the art was six megapixels back in 2004. And because they don’t have a “dog in this hunt,” they put forth a compelling argument for buying new digital cameras with less mega pixels and not more.

    The argument is essentially this: CCD chips on point and shoot cameras a smaller and as such, fitting in more pixels causes them to lose light sensivity. Sure, there’s more data on the chip, but the chip can’t absorb the light data and what it ends up with is a picture that has more noise than image quality. In addition, the more megapixels a camera has, the larger the lens it needs to provide the clarity it deserves and prevent diffraction due to a loss of detail with smaller apertures. But since we’re talking portable point and shoots here, those large lenses simply aren’t being made.

    Finally, with larger mega pixels comes longer saving time due to their requires huge storage capacity, or more compression if not storing images in RAW format. The result is a noisier image and a dissatisfied camera user who thirsts for high quality and speed but fell into the trap of "more must mean better."

    In the end, relying on a smaller MP that can balance all these needs may indeed be a better answer.

    And with the D60, you have a lot of incredible quality lens options. But it's like comparing apples to oranges. You're comparing a camera system against a compact point and shoot solution. Which way are you looking to go?

  6. #6
    Senior Member Anbesol's Avatar
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    Re: Nikon D60 -OR- Canon Power shot G9

    Wow, its like asking the question: A Ferrari or a heavy duty diesel pickup? You can't really compare the two, they have totally different purposes and functions. Comparing the D60 to something like the Rebel XTi or the Sony Alpha A300/A200 would make more sense, at which point I'd choose the canon or the sony. But the G9 and the D60? Well, I'll humor you and say, I would take the D60.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Re: Nikon D60 -OR- Canon Power shot G9

    id get the d60 then sell it

  8. #8
    Captain of the Ship Photo-John's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kajuah
    id get the d60 then sell it
    That's funny. But why? Do yo mean if someone gave you the D60 you'd sell it and use the money for something different? Do you not like Nikon? Would you rather have a compact camera? I think something fell through the cracks in your reply

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  9. #9
    project forum co-moderator Frog's Avatar
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    Re: Nikon D60 -OR- Canon Power shot G9

    Of course there is the matter of how much money you'll need to spend AFTER getting a
    d60. It all depends on how serious Matin wants to be about photography.
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  10. #10
    Too square to be hip. almo's Avatar
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    Re: Nikon D60 -OR- Canon Power shot G9

    Quote Originally Posted by Frog
    Of course there is the matter of how much money you'll need to spend AFTER getting a
    d60. It all depends on how serious Matin wants to be about photography.
    I hpe he has a good rate on his credit card...

    D60, all the way. I have to wonder why you are looking at a Canon compact and a Nikon DSLR, which might as well be a compcat for the size of the thing. Why not the Canon rebel series? At any rate, the G9 makes a supurb backup to a DSLR, but if the choice is between the two, the DSLR wins hands down.
    John Cowan
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  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Re: Funny

    Quote Originally Posted by Photo-John
    That's funny. But why? Do yo mean if someone gave you the D60 you'd sell it and use the money for something different? Do you not like Nikon? Would you rather have a compact camera? I think something fell through the cracks in your reply
    I like nikon, but the d60 isn't worth the amount of money it's currently priced at now. I wouldn't put money down on an entry level cam when I already have a few and if I could prefer one or the other to the canon g9 then i'd get the d60. And I would sell that and buy something better. I can't personally do very much with a cam like that that doesn't support VR lenses. I'd sell it for the 6-800 $ and invest in the d300-d700 or just a really nice wide angle, or even some extension tubes or a nice head for the manfrotto.

  12. #12
    Captain of the Ship Photo-John's Avatar
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    VR Lenses

    Quote Originally Posted by Kajuah
    I like nikon, but the d60 isn't worth the amount of money it's currently priced at now. I wouldn't put money down on an entry level cam when I already have a few and if I could prefer one or the other to the canon g9 then i'd get the d60. And I would sell that and buy something better. I can't personally do very much with a cam like that that doesn't support VR lenses. I'd sell it for the 6-800 $ and invest in the d300-d700 or just a really nice wide angle, or even some extension tubes or a nice head for the manfrotto.
    Maybe I'm misunderstanding you. But the D60 does support VR lenses. It comes with one. I believe it can't use non-AF-S lenses. But VR will work fine with it.

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  13. #13
    Junior Member
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    Re: Nikon D60 -OR- Canon Power shot G9

    The Nikon D60 is a replacement for the almost identical D40x.

    Personally I prefer Nikon's least expensive D40 over the D60 or D40x. The D60, D40x and D40 are actually exactly the same cameras, differering only slightly in their internal electronics, but differing greatly in their prices.

    THe D60 is actually a D40 body with a few more card-clogging pixels, a VR lens and adaptive dynamic range, but a slower maximum shutter speed with flash.

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Re: Nikon D60 -OR- Canon Power shot G9

    Well for what its worth I have the D60 and yes it has VR. I like it but then again I am just getting into DSLR.

    And it is a good camera to learn on, sure you can spend more and get a better camera np. I got mine ( Body, 2 lens, case, Tripod, mono pod, and 2 books) for $650 not a bad price.

    Any how thats they way I would go.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Re: VR Lenses

    Quote Originally Posted by Photo-John
    Maybe I'm misunderstanding you. But the D60 does support VR lenses. It comes with one. I believe it can't use non-AF-S lenses. But VR will work fine with it.
    Typo. Sorry

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